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- Sigma Nu -
The Crimson - 1960

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Front row:
J. Shaw, G. Kazmier, D. Proper, W. Knuth, R. Tykal, D. Conger
Middle row:
W. Tichy, T. Burkoth, E. Peterson, J. Diedrich, D. Carson, M. Cody
Back row:
R. Heller, J. Penicnak, P. Hoffland, C. Marquardt, W. Purner, R. Farleigh, D. Osborne, P. Schwab, P. Waitkus

Sigma Nu returned to campus this fall to discover that their scholastic rating had continued to exhibit marked improvement. Placing eight men on the coveted Dean's List, we led the Greek organizations in that department.

Under the able direction of Werner Knuth, Commander; Dean Proper, Lt. Commander; Gary Kazmier, Treasurer; and Bob Tykal, Recorder, Zeta Tau added fourteen new members to its ranks. Led by Pledge President Bill Stege, and "helped along" by our Pledge-Trainer, Carl Marquardt, the novices proved themselves worthy additions to ZT. Stege dominated center position on the freshman grid squad, and is regarded as a potential first-string varsity center for the 1960-1961 season; Larry Hamilton won a berth on the freshman basketball team; Chuck Osgood was placed on the Rifle Team; and Jim Faulkenrath, Mike Trader, John Kavin, Paul Nelson, and Cliff Trieber were members of the Drill Squad.

We began the "formal" social season with an Open House in October, followed by the annual Homecoming Banquet held at the Bel Aire Club in Green Lake. The banquet proved a great success with many old Zeta Taus attending, as well as various national officers. In December, Sigma Nu held its yearly "Shipwreck Party." Brothers Ken Luber, Dave Conger, and their dates were awarded first and second prizes respectively for the best costumes. ZT's biggest social event of the year, the "White Rose Formal," was a tremendous success, and the brothers and their dates unanimously termed it the outstanding event of the year.

Proving active in all campus activities, we were represented in basketball by Dave Lehmann; Brothers Werner Knuth, Bill Brooks, Terry Burkoth, and Roger Farleigh participated in wrestling; Jim and Bill Tichy sparked the Track Team. Ken Luber and Carl Marquardt again were active in theater work; Ken also edited The Scribbler, and Dean Proper was appointed advertising manager of The College Days.

As the 1959-60 school year draws to a close, we of Sigma Nu feel that we can view our achievements with justifiable pride. Working together, we have attempted to act in accordance with the creed of our fraternity. With this term almost history, we are already anticipating greater accomplishments in the future - a future which promises to contain even greater achievements for the Zeta Tau Chapter of Sigma Nu.

Scanned images and text courtesy of Terry Burkoth (63)


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