- Theta Sigma Tau - The Crimson - 1950
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Front row: Horace Tousley, Bob Henry, Carl Scheid, Terry Mabie, Walter Ferguson, Ed Ashell, Luis Vasquez, Bob Steffes, Joe Coleman, Jack Webster |
Second row: Julio Perez-Torres, Carlos Linares, Wayne Black, Jim Dubinski, Carlos Velarde, Boyd Holmes, Roger Murback |
Third row: Bob Carr, John Koch, George Johnson, Tom Silverman, Jim Zievers, Bill Stewart, Nate Kittleson, John Thorson, Dave Zinniel, Jordan Abel |
Fourth row: Evan Olson, Dick Larson, Ken Harker, Bill Herbst, Jim Cochrane, Fred Steele, Bill Steaffens, Rob Mehlum |
The Theta fraternity house may be off the beaten path of the campus but the Thetamen certainly aren't off the track of campus activities, as their active participation in campus life will show.
With Evan Olson as their president, they made themselves heard in almost every student activity. Evan besides being president of Theta Sigma Tau, held the important job of president for the Interfraternity Council, was employed in the math department s an assistant instructor, and did a terrific job for the Ver-Adest show, "Mind Your Business," as business manager. Evan's right-hand in the office of vice president of Theta was Whitey (Horace) Tousley, Walter Ferguson was secretary, Boyd Holmes, treasurer, and Ken Harker had the tough but thankless job of fraternity historian.
Theta was well known this past year for their really unusual house decorations at Homecoming and their novel parties.
Theta was well represented in the Ver-Adest show with Evan as business manager, ably assisted by Boyd (Paunch) Holmes as assistant business manager. Whitey was out in front of the curtain as the house manager and on the stage doing a bang-up job of dancing were Roger Murback and Jim Zievers. Jim also was active in the college theater and stole the show in "Time of Your Life" with his cigar twisting impersonation of Nick the tough, but warm-hearted bartender. Bob Walker, the tall, dark, good looking man from over on State Street did a really fine job as the young army pilot in "Kiss and Tell."
Captured Scenes
Joe Coleman, not to be outdone by his frat brothers, did a few scene stealings[sic] in the College Theater production of "Time of Your Life."
In LSA, John Thorson was elected as president in their annual elections with John Koch as vice president. John was also a valuable member of the ROTC rifle team, a member of the college track team, and a good cross country runner.
All the football players know Louie (Luis) Vasquez as the guy who bandages, swabs, and otherwise takes care of them on football trips, as well as on the home field. Louie is from Puerto Rico and has added that certain South American personality to an already cosmopolitan house.
Frosh Cagers Good
On the frosh basketball court Theta was well represented with Nate Kittleson, Jim Cochrane, Terry Mabie, and Ron Mehlum playing good basketball that may well put the Thetamen high up on the important list for varsity basketball. John Koch, Bob Steffes and Jim Zievers were members of the track team with Jim and John running cross country. Thetamen won first place in the float parade with their Viking ship and third in house decorations with their authentic engine and hand-car scene complete with moving wheels and steam.
Dr. Paul Nestler and Jack Dekker were initiated into Theta as honoraries. |
House Officers |
Front row: Evan Olson, President and Boyd Paunch Holmes, treasurer |
Second row: Walter Fergusen, Secretary, Ken Harker, Historian, and Horace Whitey Tousley, VP |
Pictures and text courtesy of Evan Olson (50) |